MINUTES OF MEETING TRANQUILITY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT TheAudit Committeemeeting oftheBoard ofSupervisorsoftheTranquilityCommunity Development District was held on Wednesday, October 11, 2023 at 2:00 p.m. at 5445 S. Washington Ave. Floor, Titusville, Florida. Present and constituting a quorum were: Kenneth Belshe Vice Chairman William Livingston Assistant Secretary David Lusby Assistant Secretary Also, present were: Jeremy LeBrun GMS, Manager Rodney Honeycutt District Engineer, Honeycutt & Associates David Rothman by phone Bryant Miller Olive, PA Nika Hosseini byphone Cobb Cole Attorneys Thefollowing is a summary ofthe discussions and actions taken at the October 11,2023 Tranquility Community Development District's Audit Committee Meeting. FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS Roll Call Mr. LeBrun called the meeting to order at 2:00 p.m. Three Board members were in attendance constituting a quorum. SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS Public Comment Period Mr. LeBrun stated that there were only Board members and staff in attendance. October 11, 2023 Tranquility CDD TmRD ORDER OF BUSINESS Audit Services A. Approval of Request for Proposals and Selection Criteria Mr. LeBrun stated this starts on page 32 of the agenda. As part of the requirements for Community Development Districts, they are required to undergo a third-party financial audit each year. He noted previously the Board of Supervisors appointed an Audit Committee which consisted of the Board with Mr. Ken Belshe as the Chair. This is approval of the request for proposals and selection criteria. In the agenda, there is an actual request for proposal and the selection criteria. This is what the Audit Committee will use to rank the proposals that come in and also the requests for proposals. Mr. Livingstonasked ifMondayOctober30thwill be left asthe due date. Mr. LeBrun stated that is typically the time window that we can get responses back. He noted they publicly announce the request for proposals and then will get those responses back. You guys will approve that request for proposal and also the selection criteria which shows the points that the Audit Committee will use to rank the proposals that come in and ultimately select their number one candidate to perform the audit. On MOTION by Mr. Lusby, seconded by Mr. Livingston, with all in favor, the Request for Proposals and Selection Criteria, was approved. B. Approval of Notice of Request for Proposals for Audit Services Mr. LeBrun stated this is on page 37 of the electronic agenda and is the actual notice that will be advertised per statute and publicly announced that we are accepting proposals for the Audit of the Tranquility Community Development District Fiscal Year 2023. On MOTION by Mr. Belshe, seconded by Mr. Livingston, with all in favor, the Notice ofRequest for Proposals for Audit Services, was approved. C. Public Announcement of Opportunity to Provide Audit Services Mr. LeBrun stated they will publicly announce the opportunity for any qualified auditing firm to respond to the RFP and will advertise it per statute. We will bring those responses back to the Board at the next meeting for the Audit Committee to review and make their number one selection based on the criteria that was just approved. Mr. Livingston asked when the audit has to 2 October 11, 2023 Tranquility COO be and if a special meeting will be scheduled. Mr. LeBrun stated typically in June and we will align everything with the already scheduled meetings and get those in so the Board has time to review it as part ofthe scheduled meeting. FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Adjournment On MOTION by Mr. Lusby, seconded by Mr. Belshe, with all in favor, the meeting was adjourned. Secretary!Assistant Secretary 3